From an ultra-low dispersion spectroscopic survey of the Cyg OB2 association several red and reddened stars are detected. Most of these stars appear to be reddened early-type stars belonging to the Cygnus OB2 association. The distance moduli V_0_-M_v_=11.2 and minimum reddening E(B-V)=1.2 suggests that some of the red stars in the magnitude range 15 to 17 are most likely reddened late B and early A main sequence stars of the Cyg OB2 association.
VIDEO DR5 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
25 May 2021 15:50:06
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR4 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:40:50
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR3 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:40:40
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR2 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:40:29
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR4 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
06 May 2015 00:45:51
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR3 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
05 Mar 2014 15:03:47
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR2 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
17 Jul 2012 15:58:34
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR5 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
10 Nov 2017 17:06:48
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
We have extended and refined the existing young stellar object (YSO) catalogs for the Orion A molecular cloud, the closest massive star-forming region to Earth. This updated catalog is driven by the large spatial coverage (18.3deg^2^, ~950pc^2^), seeing limited resolution (~0.7''), and sensitivity (K_s_<19mag) of the ESO-VISTA near-infrared survey of the Orion A cloud (VISION). Combined with archival mid- to far-infrared data, the VISTA data allow for a refined and more robust source selection. We estimate that among previously known protostars and pre-main-sequence stars with disks, source contamination levels (false positives) are at least ~6.4% and ~2.3%, respectively, mostly due to background galaxies and nebulosities. We identify 274 new YSO candidates using VISTA/Spitzer based selections within previously analyzed regions, and VISTA/WISE based selections to add sources in the surroundings, beyond previously analyzed regions. The WISE selection method recovers about 59% of the known YSOs in Orion A's low-mass star-forming part L1641, which shows what can be achieved by the all-sky WISE survey in combination with deep near-infrared data in regions without the influence of massive stars. The new catalog contains 2980 YSOs, which were classified based on the de-reddened mid-infrared spectral index into 188 protostars, 185 flat-spectrum sources, and 2607 pre-main-sequence stars with circumstellar disks. We find a statistically significant difference in the spatial distribution of the three evolutionary classes with respect to regions of high dust column-density, confirming that flat-spectrum sources are at a younger evolutionary phase compared to Class IIs, and are not a sub-sample seen at particular viewing angles.