- LUPM (Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier)1
- Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales1
- National Institute of Standards and Technology1
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory1
- OV-GSO Virtual Observatory services1
- Observatory of Strasbourg1
- Observatory of Strasbourg, SSC Team1
- Paris Astronomical Data Centre - IMCCE1
- Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAS (SAO RAS)1
- Stefan Ziegenbalg1
- The Australian National University Supercomputer Facility1
- The staff at the AIASCR VO Services1
- The staff at the AIP DaCHS1
- The staff at the ArVO Byurakan1
- The staff at the Argentine Virtual Observatory1
- The staff at the CDPP EPN-TAP server1
- The staff at the ChiVO1