The XMM-Newton observatory is a cornerstone mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) Horizon 2000 program. This spacecraft, the largest ever flown by ESA for a scientific program, was launched on December 10, 1999, carrying a payload funded by ESA member states and the USA (NASA). The scientific payload comprises three CCD imaging cameras (European Photon Imaging Cameras, EPIC), sensitive in the 0.1-15 keV band, and two Reflecting Grating Spectrometers (RGS), sensitive in the 0.3-2.1 keV band, and characterized by a resolving power E/{Delta}E = 100 to 800. The X-ray instruments are complemented by an Optical Monitor, sensitive in the 150-650nm band, which allows simultaneous multiwavelength monitoring of celestial sources. The XMM-Newton observational program is determined on the bases of the proposals sent in response to Announcement of Opportunities, and selected by peer review panels. The XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) contains all the science data of all the performed observations. Its user interface ( allows a user to retrieve them after the 1-year proprietary period has expired. Calibration observations are normally not covered by proprietary rights; their data being therefore public. Target of Opportunity and Discretionary Time observations have a 6-months proprietary period. For each archived observation, the XSA stores Observation Data Files (ODF) and Pipeline Processing System (PPS) products, if available, as well as the XMM-Newton EPIC serendipitous catalogue, the OM source catalogue and the Slew Survey Source Catalogue (see the catalogues documentation at The ODF comprises raw telemetry files, reformatted in FITS format, and contains uncalibrated information. The PPS products are a collection of top-level, validated scientific and cross-correlation products, routinely generated by the Science Survey Center, University of Leicester, UK ( The content of the XSA is updated daily. The latest version of all the scientific data is made available through its interface. Systematic reprocessing of all the XMM-Newton telemetry is periodically carried on during the mission. The last bulk reprocessing was performed in 2007. The XMM-Newton observation log lists all the science observations included in the XSA. This log gives observation details and provides links to quick-look scientific products, to documents describing XMM-Newton science and calibration data, and to the SAS (Science Analysis System), a specific software package designed to reduce and analyze XMM-Newton data. Additional links in the log allows a user to start a retrieval session for the data of an observation, whenever not protected by proprietary rights. XMM-Newton HelpDesk: