This is a new reduction of FOCAT-S photographic catalogue of southern stars. This reduction has to replace the preceding one. The differences from previous version are as follows: 1. The new version was sorted according right ascension of stars inside 10-degree declination zone; 2. New proper motions were calculated for all almost stars. New Astrographic Catalogue plate reduction was developed for this aim. The average rms of new FOCAT-S proper motions is 0.002 - 0.003 "/year; 3. The number of the Astrographic Catalogue star positions used for the proper motion calculation is added; 4. The magnitude (mag) and spectral type (Sp) columns were revised significantly: some errors were corrected; stars identified in C.S.I. catalogue have got Mag, Sp from this catalogue as it was in previous version. Other stars have got Mag, Sp from PPM-S catalogue. 5. The list of Durchmusterung star numbers was changed. Now it contains the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung (CPD) numbers for stars in [-90, -23] declination zones; Cordoba Durchmusterung (CoD) star numbers are used only if it was impossible to identify star in BD or CPD. Format of this column was changed also. 6. PPM catalogue star numbers were added.