This composite catalogue contains 180812 positions and magnitudes of 176591 stars north of declination -40deg, 155005 proper motions, and 25848 positions and magnitudes of 184 Solar System objects obtained with the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle on La Palma during the period May 1984 to May 1998. It includes Carlsberg Meridian Catalogues Numbers 1 to 11 (CMC1-11); i.e. it comprises all the observations made since the instrument began operation on La Palma. The positions of the stars are for the epoch of observation and the equinox J2000.0, and are referred to the new International Celestial Reference Frame. The limiting magnitude is V=15.4. The catalogue mainly comprises positions and proper motions for the following programmes: 36000 International Reference Stars 30000 faint reference stars in a global net 18000 reference stars in the fields of radio sources 17000 stars in the Lick Northern Proper Motion catalogue 5000 reference stars for calibration of Schmidt plates 2600 stars in the Gliese catalogue of nearby stars 5000 stars in nearby OB associations 10500 F-type stars within 100 pc 9000 G-type dwarfs and giants, K-type giants stars within 300 pc 2200 unbiassed sample of K/M-type dwarf stars 19400 reference stars near Veron-Cetty galaxies 4700 variable stars (12-14 mag) in GCVS 12400 stars (11-14 mag) with pm>0".18/yr in NLTT and several smaller programmes mainly aimed at galactic kinematics. Positions and magnitudes of 12 novae and 8 supernovae which occurred in the years 1991 to 1998 are included. The catalogue also contains observations of the following Solar System objects: Callisto, Ganymede, Rhea, Titan, Iapetus, Hyperion, Uranus, Oberon, Neptune, Pluto and 173 minor planets and Comet P/Wild2. The mean error of a catalogue position in the zenith is 0".09 in right ascension and declination in CMC1-6, improving to 0".06 in CMC7-11. The accuracy in magnitude is 0.05 mag in CMC1-10, improving to 0.03 mag in CMC11. The mean error of the proper motions, derived by combining the position in this catalogue with those at earlier epochs, is typically in the range 0".003 to 0".004 per year. Cross-references are given to DM, AGK, SAO, HD and the double star catalogues ADS and WDS. The catalogue also contains 12216 mean annual observed positions of the FK5 stars used to transfer the instrumental system to the FK5 frame in the years 1984 to 1995. A compilation of all the meteorological data collected in the years 1984-1998, including the atmospheric extinction, is appended. This catalogue supersedes the previous versions which were numbered <I/126> (CMC1 and 2), <I/133> (CMC3), <I/147> (CMC4), <I/170> (CMC5), <I/189> (CMC6), <I/205> (CMC7) and <I/213> (CMC8).