The catalogue contains 5954 stars obtained in the course of observational campaign of the AGK1 programme that is the German abbreviation, which stands for the catalogue of astronomical society. The observations were carried out at Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine) in 1876-1899 with the Reichenbach meridian circle made in 1825. Magnitude range of stars is from 2.2 to 9.1 The declination zone is from -2{deg}10' to +1{deg}10'. Fourteen stars from the Fundamental Catalogue were included in the catalogue, namely: 0542, 1364, 1409, 3276, 3397, 3446, 3602, 3748, 5001, 5082, 5571, 5629, 5681, 5825. The probable errors of RA and Dec are 28ms and 490mas correspondingly.