This machine-readable version of the Astrographic Catalogue (AC), zones +01 to +31 degrees is the result of the determination of mean values for position and magnitude at a mean epoch of observation for each unique star in the original catalogs. The zones considered here (Oxford, Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Algiers [partial]) contained 1,870,976 individual measures, from which the catalog of mean data for 1,025,208 stars was derived. Further analysis by Dr. D.W. Dunham and at the ADC yielded an additional 27897 apparently duplicate entries, which were eliminated to produce the final catalog. The estimated mean standard errors for positional and magnitude data are 0.4 arcsec in each coordinate and 0.4 mag, respectively. Data in this version include <m(pg)>, <Epoch>, <RA> at mean epoch, <DEC> at mean epoch. The mean values are unweighted. No star identifications are provided; hence the user must select stars from the catalog and then identify them in other catalogs or on charts using the equatorial coordinates.