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Resource Record Summary

Catalog Service:
Second Extreme Ultra-Violet Explorer Catalog

Short name: II/203A
IVOA Identifier: ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/203A
Bibcode: 1997ApJS..108..545L
Publisher: CDS[+][Pub. ID]
More Info: http://cdsarc.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/cat/II/203A
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Status: active
Registered: 2001 Apr 30 22:33:04Z


The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite was launched on June 7, 1992 from Cape Canaveral, Florida on a Delta II rocket. The payload contains three EUV scanning telescopes equipped with imaging detectors as well as a Deep Survey Spectrometer instrument which divides the light from a fourth telescope between an imaging detector and three EUV spectrometers. There are three source tables in this catalogue: - table1 lists count rates and positions of 514 objects detected during the all-sky survey. - table2 lists 35 sources detected by the deep survey of half the ecliptic plane; three deep survey objects are also detected in the all sky survey. - table3 lists 188 sources that have been detected in other ways, principally by deep exposures with the scanner telescopes as part of the Right Angle Program or by long exposures with the deep survey instrument; table3 includes right angle detections through December 24, 1994. Because the objects listed in table3 have been derived with a variety of instruments and exposure strategies, the flux limits and detection thresholds vary over a wide range; interested readers should consult the reference listed. Each table has an associated list of identified sources, id1, id2 and id3 (one EUVE source may by associated to 0, one or more counterparts); in nearly all cases they lie within 1 arcmin of the actual source position. The 534 objects in the "faint" part were detected jointly in the EUVE and in the ROSAT X-Ray Telescope 0.25keV band (50{AA}). This joint selection criterion permits use of a low count rate threshold in each survey, roughly 60% of the threshold used in the EUVE all-sky surveys, and 166 of the objects listed in the "faint" part are new EUV sources, appearing in neither the Second EUVE Source Catalog (tables 1 to 3) nor the ROSAT Wide Field Camera Second Catalog (J/MNRAS/274/1165)

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Available Service Interfaces

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This is a standard IVOA service that takes as input a position in the sky and a radius and returns catalog records with positions within that radius.

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This is a standard IVOA service that takes as input a position in the sky and a radius and returns catalog records with positions within that radius.

Developed with the support of the National Science Foundation
under Cooperative Agreement AST0122449 with the Johns Hopkins University
The NAVO project is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

This NAVO Application is hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute

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