For 9733 stars this catalog lists all values of the apparent and absolute radii from the literature. Data were compiled beginning 1950 up to 1997. The stars are listed according to the following order of identification: HD number, DM number, variables with constellation name in alphabetical order of the abbreviations, other identifications in alphabetical order, LMC and SMC stars. The apparent magnitudes and spectral types are those reported by the authors, as they are basic data used in some methods for obtaining the stellar diameters. The catalogue is followed by the lists of the Remarks and References. Details and statistics will appear in A&A Suppl. This version supersedes the previous editions by M.Fracassini, L.E. Pasinetti, F. Manzolini (1981A&AS...45..145F, Cat. <II/61>); and M. Fracassini, L.E. Pasinetti-Fracassini, L. Pastori and R. Pironi (1988BICDS..35..121F, Cat. <II/155>)