Table 3 contains the object catalogue of the COMBO-17 CDFS field. The observations were carried out with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope on La Silla, Chile, between October 1999 and January 2001 in four independent observing runs. The field measures 31.5'x30', is centered on RA=03:32:25, DE=-27:48:50 and contains the Chandra Deep Field South. The table contains 63501 objects found on the deep R-band image by SExtractor with S/N>3. The 5-{sigma} magnitude limit for point sources is Rmag=26.0. Morphological information from the SExtractor measurement is included. Multiple observations in different observing runs of six different filters allow the identification of variable objects. The table contains positions, flags and flux measurements in UBVRI and 12 optical medium-band filters. In addition, we include multi-colour classification, photometric redshifts, luminosity distances and a number of absolute restframe magnitudes in different filters (Johnson, Sloan, Bessell).,,, and are coadded sumframes in UBVRI of the CDFS field. These sumframes are stacked from flat-fielded and cosmic-corrected individual images by applying only full pixel shifts. Therefore, the coordinate frames differ slightly between the images. The coordinates in Table 3 refer to image The images in BVRI are obtained from observations carried out in observing run D (Oct 1999, see also Note (11) in the byte-by-byte description of table3.dat) while the U-band image is obtained from observing run G (Jan 2001). The exposure times are 14400s (U), 5000s (B), 8400s (V), 15000s (R) and 7550s (I). The intensity levels are given in units of photons hitting the detector (already corrected for the gain of the CCD). The data included here supersede the table2.dat of the COMBO-17 published in 2001 (J/A+A/377/442)