The Hubble Ultra Deep Field (PI: Steven V. W. Beckwith) is a 400-orbit Cycle 12 program to image a single field of the Wide Field Camera (WFC) of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) in four filters: F435W (B), F606W (V), F775W (i), and F850LP (z). The observations took place over 4 months from September 2003 to January 2004 under two program IDs: 9978 and 10086. The observations consist of half-orbit exposures, cycling through each of the filters in a 4-point dither pattern to provide sub-pixel sampling, as well as a larger-scale 3-point line pattern to cover the 2 second of arc gap between the two ACS/WFC chips. The total exposure times are summarized below, with typical exposure times of 1200s for individual images. The AB magnitude zero-points for ACS are current as of March 2004. --------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Number of Total Exp. AB mag. Orbits Exposures Time (s) zero-point --------------------------------------------------------------- B (F435W): 56 112 134880 25.673 V (F606W): 56 112 135320 26.486 i (F775W): 144 288 347110 25.654 z (F850LP): 144 288 346620 24.862 --------------------------------------------------------------- More details are found in the "intro.txt" file, or from the UDF home page.