The Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE), is a survey of Galactic Plane central parts made with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST). It covers approximately 220 square degrees, between galactic longitudes +/-65{deg} and +/-1{deg} in galactic latitude (up to 4.2{deg} in the central parts). The four IRAC bands are centered at approximately 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0{mu}m. The GLIMPSE combines the 3 surveys: * GLIMPSE-I covers the longitude ranges |l|=10--65{deg} and the latitude range |b|<=1{deg} (Benjamin et al. 2003PASP..115..953B) * GLIMPSE-II covers the longitude range of |l|<=10{deg}, and a latitude range |b|<=1{deg} from |l|=5--10, |b|<=1.5 for |l|=2--5, and |b|<=2{deg} for |l|<=2. GLIMPSE-II coverage excludes the Galactic center region |l|<=1, |b|<=0.75 observed by the GALCEN GO program (PID=3677). * GLIMPSE-3D adds vertical extensions up to |b|=4.2{deg} near the galactic center, and up to |b|=3{deg} in selected other parts of the Galaxy (+/-10, 18.5, 25, 30, and -15 (345){deg}). GLIMPSE-II had two-epoch coverage for a total of three visits on the sky. The observations consisted of two 1.2 second integrations at each position in the first epoch of data taking (September 2005) and a single 1.2 second integration at each position six months later (April 2006). The highly reliable v2.0 GLIMPSEII Catalog (v2.0_GLMIIC) consists of point sources that are detected at least twice in one band and at least once in an adjacent band and a S/N > 5 cut for the band with the two detections. There are also faint and bright flux limits on the Catalog entries. The more complete v2.0 Archive (v2.0_GLMIIA) has less stringent criteria, namely two detections in any bands, those detections having a S/N > 5. The IRAC data were bandmerged with the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog. See the GLIMPSEII v2.0 Data Products & Data Delivery document for more details. The catalog available from CDS merges the 3 surveys GLIMPSE-I (v2.0), GLIMPSE-II (v2.0), and GLIMPSE-3D; Catalog and Archive records are also merged here. In the regions of overlap between the 3 surveys (e.g. longitude around 10{deg}) preference was given to (1) GLIMPSE-II, as recommended in the GLIMPSE documents of May 2007 (glimpse1_v2.0.pdf) and April 2008 (glimpse2-v2.0.pdf); (2) GLIMPSE-I, and (3) GLIMPSE-3D sources. Sources from different surveys were merged if their position is closer than 0.1arcsec. Documents and a document describing in detail the point source photometry steps, see