These catalogs, prepared using the SExtractor package (Bertin & Arnouts 1996A&AS..117..393B), are based on the version v2.0 of the reduced, calibrated, stacked and mosaiced images acquired with HST and ACS as part of the GOODS ACS Treasury program and of the PANS program of search for Type Ia supernovae at high redshift. It supersedes the "Initial Results" version (Giavalisco et al. 2004ApJ...600L..93G, Cat. II/261) The catalogs are z-band based, that is, source detection has been made using the z-band images. A variety of photometric apertures defined during the detection process have then been used as "fixed apertures" in the i, v and b-band images to derive the multi-band photometry. The r2.0z catalog release is based on the v2.0 images, which have significantly longer total exposure times in the z850 bandpass, and somewhat longer exposure times in the i775 and V606 bands as well. The only significant difference in the catalogs, other than that of being based on deeper data, is that a small astrometric offset was applied to the declination of GOODS-North images (only), from a comparison with SDSS, 2MASS and VLA (Morrison et al. 2010, Cat. J/ApJS/188/178): Dec(v2.0)=Dec(v1.0)-0.320arcsec