This catalogue is a supplement of the Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (=III/39A). It contains observations carried out by the S2/68 Ultraviolet Sky Survey Telescope (UVSST) aboard the ESRO satellite TD-1. The data presented in this supplement were obtained during the second and third observation periods, which lasted from 19 February 1973 to 30 September 1973 and from 16 February to 6 May 1974. The S2/68 experiment has been described by Boksenberg et al. (=1973MNRAS.163..291B) Owing to the optical scanning mode, most of the stars observed during the first observational period, the spectra of which are included in the "Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue", were seen again by the telescope. This supplement, however, has been limited to the spectra of stars that were not observed during the first period. The data reduction and selection criteria are identical to those underlying the main Catalogue and hence the data presented in the Supplement are directly comparable with those in the main Catalogue. The Supplement contains data for 435 stars. For a statistical summary of the observed stars, see the tables I and II in the published version of the Supplement. The spectrum scanning itself was achieved by the movement of a star image across the wide entrance slot of the spectrophotometer, which caused the corresponding spectrum image to pass over the three exit slits in the direction of dispersion. The motion of the primary image during each detector integration interval (0.148 s) was equivalent to 19.4 A, depending on the channel. The wavelength range covered was 1350 - 2550 A. The passband of the photometer channel, defined by a glass transmission filter and the photocathode tube response, was centered at 2740 A and had a full width at half height of 310 A.