The spectral types listed here represent about one-third of a program of MK classification of all the Northern (Dec>-30deg) visual components brighter than B~8.0mag. The spectra used were obtained in 1969-1980 with the Cassegrain spectrograph attached to the Kitt Peak No.2 91-cm telescope. The grating spectra have a dispersion of 128{AA}/mm, and are 1.2mm wide; they are overexposed and underdeveloped to minimize grain. The spectra were classified against standards of the "Revised MK Spectral Atlas for stars earlier than the Sun" by Morgan, Abt and Tapscott (Yerkes Obs. 1978) and of the "Spectral classification" of Morgan and Keenan (1973ARA&A..11...29M). Accurate positions, V magnitudes rounded to 0.1 mag, and remarks were added by B. Skiff in June 2004 as the file "more.dat"; some typos in the catalog were also corrected (see the "History" section below).