The IRAS survey instrumentation included a low-resolution spectrometer which covered the wavelength range between 8 and 22 um. The spectrometer operated during the entire survey, providing spectra of the brighter point sources. For details about the spectrometer, the reader is referred to the published book, chapter IX. The spectra included in file "lrs.dat" contain 200 points each, 100 points in the 8-13um range, and 100 points in the 11-22um range. There is therefore an overlapping between the longer wavelengths of the first sample and the shorter wavelengths of the second sample. The data points are stored as scaled integer arrays in the file "lrs.dat"; the corresponding values of the wavelengths are available in the file "calib.dat" . The file "lrs.dat" includes also data taken from the IRAS point source catalog <II/125>.