This volume of the catalog contains all HD stars in the declination range -12 degrees up to and including +05 degrees (equinox 1900) and is part of a series of catalogs in the University of Michigan program of systematic reclassification in the MK system of the entire "Henry Draper Catalogue" (HD). The stars were classified visually on objective-prism plates taken with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The 4{deg} + 6{deg} prisms yield a dispersion at H_{gamma}_ of 108 {AA}/mm, and the average resolution is about 2 {AA}/mm, comparable to that of the original MK system [MKK]. The spectra were taken on IIaO plates and widened to 0.8 mm, with 20min, 4min, and 1min exposures being obtained. In order to maintain a uniform, consistent system, all the spectral classification was done by one person (Houk). It is recommended that users read the accompanying text (preface.tex) before utilizing the catalogue in order to take full advantage of its contents and to learn the notation and practices followed.