The catalogue of equivalent widths (EW) for neutral helium lines presented is based on numerous photographic spectral observations of B-stars made during 1978-1986 with the 6m telescope of Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences. Original results of spectroscopy of B-stars inside the galactic open clusters and stellar associations were published by Klochkova and Panchuk in 1986PAZh...12..928K and 1987PAZh...13...56K. To make easier the procedure of EW reduction, several A- and O-stars were included in the Catalogue. All sequent steps of EW reduction were described in Klochkova and Panchuk (1987SoSAO..54....5K, Neutral Helium Lines in the Spectra of B-Stars - Part One - Catalogue). Due to profiles of HeI lines are essentially distinguished in spectra both of supergiants and normal stars, the procedure of EW reduction were made separately for these types of stars. After reduction to the common system of the published data and of observational data obtained by authors a homogeneous catalogue of equivalent widths EW for eight neutral helium lines (HeI, {lambda} 4009, 4026, 4121, 4144, 4387, 4471, 4713{AA}) for 524 stars is compiled. The catalogue is added by the mean values of EW for H{gamma} and H{delta} lines being also reduced to the common system of equivalent widths. The work is supported by the Russian Fondation for Basic Research (project 05-07-90087).