Eleven lists of blue stellar objects (BSOs) were published in Astrophysics in 1990-1996, found in the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) low-dispersion spectroscopic plates. The selection was carried out in the region with +33<Dec<+45 and Dec>+61 with a surface of 4000deg^2^. As a result, the catalogue of the FBS blue stellar objects (BSOs) was compiled. Its preliminary version has been available at CDS since 1999. We revised and updated the FBS BSOs catalogue with the new data from recently published optical and multiwavelength catalogues to give access to all available data and make further comparative studies of the properties of these objects possible. We made cross-correlations of the FBS BSOs catalogue with the MAPS , USNO-B1.0, SDSS, and 2MASS, as well as ROSAT, IRAS, NVSS, and FIRST catalogs , added updated SIMBAD and NED data for the objects, and provided accurate DSS1 and DSS2 positions and revised photometry. We also checked the objects for proper motion and variability. A refined classification for the low-dispersion spectra in the Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) was carried out. The revised and updated catalogue of 1103 FBS blue stellar objects is presented. The FBS blue stellar objects catalogue can be used to study a complete sample of white dwarfs, hot subdwarfs, HBB stars, cataclysmic variables, bright AGN, and to investigate individual interesting objects. This catalog supersedes the previous edition by Abrahamian et al. (Cat. II/223)