The list below is a continuation of a series providing accurate positions and identifications for variables appearing on the MVS charts (Hoffmeister, 1957, Mitt. Verdander. Sterne, No. 245). The variables here were first described by Hoffmeister (1949, Astron. Abh. Ergaenzungshefte z.d. Astron. Nach., 12, no. 1, A3) in the difficult-to-find ``Ergaenzungshefte'' to the Astronomische Nachrichten, and are the first group from a collection of some 1440 variables from this publication. Details about the identification procedure and table layout are contained in the first report of our series (Kinnunen & Skiff, 2000IBVS.4862....1K). We are grateful to librarians Antoinette Beiser (Lowell) and Brenda Corbin (U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington) for providing a photocopy of the Hoffmeister survey; ``bibliothecaire extraordinaire'' Suzanne Laloe (Obs. Paris-Meudon) advised on how this obscure journal should be cited.