The ROSAT All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalogue (RASS-FSC) is derived from the all-sky survey performed during the ROSAT mission in the energy band 0.1-2.4 keV. 105,924 sources are catalogued and represent the faint extension to the RASS bright source catalogue (RASS-BSC, 1999A&A...349..389V, See Cat. <IX/10>). The sources have a detection likelihood of at least 7 and contain at least 6 source photons. (The likelihood of source detection is defined as L = -ln(1-P), with P = probability of source detection). For each source we provide the ROSAT name, the position in equatorial coordinates, the positional error, the source countrate and error, the background countrate, exposure time, date of observation, hardness-ratios HR1 and HR2 and errors, extent and likelihood of extent, and likelihood of detection. Questions or comments may be directed to xray-info(at)