This catalogue contains sources from PSPC-ROSAT (Position-Sensitive Proportional Counter aboard the Roentgen Satellite), as provided by Max-Planck Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik (MPE). It supersedes the 1994 version (Cat. <IX/11>) The current release of the catalog is comprised of results from 4093 sequences (sky coverage of 14.5%). The complete version contains entries for 95,331 detections whereas the short version has 43,156 detections. 2189 obvious sources were not detected by the automated Standard Analysis Software System (SASS), and are not yet contained in this catalogue. These data have been screened by ROSAT data centers in the US, Germany, and the UK as a step in the production of the ROSAT RESULTS ARCHIVE. The RRA contains extracted source and associated products with an indication of reliability for the primary parameters.