The 3XMM-DR7 catalogue contains source detections drawn from 9710 XMM-Newton EPIC observations, covering an energy interval from 0.2keV to 12keV. These observations were made between 2000 February 3 and 2016 December 15 and all datasets were publicly available by 2016 December 31, but not all public observations are included in this catalogue (see below for more information). Should you use the catalogue for your research and publish the results, please use the acknowledgement below and cite the paper describing 3XMM (Rosen, Webb, Watson et al., 2016A&A...590A...1R). This research has made use of data obtained from the 3XMM XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue compiled by the 10 institutes of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre selected by ESA. The following table gives an overview of the statistics of the catalogue in comparison with the 3XMM-DR6 catalogue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3XMM-DR7 3XMM-DR6 Increment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of observations 9710 9159 551 Number of 'clean' observations 6164 5826 338 (i.e., observation class < 3) Observing interval 03-Feb-00 03-Feb-00 15-Dec-16 04-Jun-15 1.5 yr Sky coverage, taking overlaps into account ( >= 1ksec exposure) 1032sq.deg 982sq.deg 50sq.deg Number of detections 727790 678680 49110 Number of 'clean' detections 596268 552951 43317 (i.e., summary flag < 3) Number of unique sources 499266 468440 30826 Number of 'cleanest' (summary flag = 0, 11220 10290 930 not in high-background fields) extended detections Number of detections with spectra 162082 149998 12084 Number of detections with timeseries 162045 149968 12077 Number of detections where probability 5631 5238 393 of timeseries being constant is <1x10^-5^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The production and content of the 3XMM catalogue is described in the the 3XMM-DR7 User Guide at The slimline version of the catalogue ( file "xmm3r7s.dat") contains one row per unique source (while the the main catalogue has one row per detection) and thus has 499266 rows. There are 44 columns, essentially those containing information about the unique sources. The catalogue also contains a column with links to the IRAP catalogue server summary pages. In the case of sources with multiple detections, the summary page of the best detection is selected (i.e., the detection with the largest exposure time, summed over all cameras), and the summary page gives cross-links to the other detections.