Table ls.dat contains all LS terms considered in this work and their energy values with complete designation. Table aij.dat contains f-, S-, and A-values of transitions, both in LS multiplet and in fine structure. For the full designation of the terms in the aij.dat table check the energy table in ls.dat. A program in Fortran77, prog.f , can read the table in aji.dat and calculate lifetime in seconds from the A-values. The ls.dat and aij.dat present transitions in Fe II (obs-file) among states that have been observed and the calculated energies were replaced by the observed energies to improve the accuracy. The ls2.dat and aij2.dat files (cal-file) contains transitions among the rest of the calculated energy states and all the transition energies are calculated ones. Hence the two files, one with observed energies (obs-file) and one with calculated energies (cal-file) are complement to each other with no common transitions. The uncertainties of the transition probabilities in cat-files, are expected to be higher than those in the obs-file as the observed energies are more accurate in general than the calculated ones. The transition energy, EDIFF, in cal-file is written by one more significant digit compared to the obs-file with observed energies. Total data: Number of bound states: Total number of octet bound states below threshold (lmx= 7) = 6 Total number of sextet bound states below threshold (lmx= 9) = 205 Total number of quartet bound states below threshold (lmx= 7)= 308 Total number of doublet bound states below threshold (lmx= 7)= 226 Net Total = 745 Total no of LS multiplets using observed energies = 3109 Total no of fjj values with observed energies = 21,589 Total no of LS multiplets using calculated energies = 16164 Total no of fjj values with calculated energies = 136330 Total number of f-values using observed and calculated transition energies = 157,919