We carried out VRI and Gunn z observations of the obscured globular cluster Liller 1. The cluster is so reddened (A_V_=~9.0) that it is at the detection limit in V. The RGB in I vs. (I-z) shows a strong curvature. Recalling that the nearly solar metallicity globular clusters NGC 6553 and NGC 6528 present similar blanketing effects only in the visible bandpasses, we conclude that Liller 1 is considerably more metal-rich than these clusters. The CMD comparison of Liller 1 with the inner bulge field around it (located =~5deg from the nucleus), suggests that the cluster is as metallic as the most metallic fraction of this inner bulge population. Similarly deep I and z observations at =~0.5deg away from Liller 1, at the nominal position of Grindlay 1 do not reveal any cluster.