We present deep CCD photometry for the dwarf galaxy in Tucana (l=323, b=-47.4). The data indicate that the galaxy is dominated by an intermediate/old stellar population with metallicity similar to that of the galactic globular clusters NGC 6752 and NGC 7089 (M2) (we find [Fe/H]=~-1.56). The distance modulus we derived, (m-M)_V_=~24.72+/-0.2, makes clear that this galaxy belongs to the Local Gro up. Tucana is clearly different from other dwarf galaxies, such as Leo I (Lee et al., 1993AJ....106.1420L), or Phoenix (Ortolani and Gratton, 1988PASP..100.1405O), because there is no evidence of a young stellar population (t<=5Gyrs) We suggest that the Tucana Galaxy is a genuine dwarf spheroidal in which no recent burst of star formation occurred.