This catalog contains BVrI photometry of galaxies in a 5.62arcmin^2^ field 80arcsec south of the high redshift (z=4.7) quasar BR 1202-0725, derived from observations with the direct CCD camera SUSI at the ESO NTT. The formal 5{sigma}magnitude limits (in 2xFWHM apertures) are 26.9, 26.5, 25.9 and 25.3 in B, V, r and I respectively. Reliable colors have been measured for galaxies selected down to r=26. The choice of the optical filters has been optimized to define a robust multicolor selection of galaxies at 3.8<=z<=4.4. The catalogue has been processed with the SExtractor algorithm (Bertin, 1996A&AS..117..393B) and contains 608 objects detected on the image resulting from the sum of the four weighted frames (B, V, r, I) by convolving the reference frame by the PSF and then thresholding it at 1.1 {sigma} of the background r.m.s. For quantitative analysis, border areas with larger noise due to the combination of dithered exposures with shorter integration times should be used with caution.