In the course of the search for B-type pulsators in the central region of h Persei, we discovered two {beta} Cephei stars, Oo692 and Oo992, and one SPB star, Oo893. The first two stars are monoperiodic pulsators with periods of 0.1716946 and 0.1326359 d respectively, and semi-amplitudes smaller than 0.01mag. The light curve of Oo893 can be described by a single 1.193633-day period, slightly non-sinusoidal in shape, and having semi-amplitudes from 19 mmag in I to 48 mmag in U. Oo893 is the first SPB star found in h and {chi} Persei. In addition, we discovered seven other variables, including three eclipsing binaries and one {lambda} Eri star. One of the binaries is a W UMa-type star and a likely cluster member. We also present new UBV photometry for 258 stars in the field. The average reddening, estimated from the cluster colour-colour diagram, amounts to E(B-V)=0.52mag. A 0.1mag dispersion of reddenings within the cluster is also seen.