We present the results of an ISOCAM survey of the Chamaeleon I dark cloud conducted in two broad-band filters at 6.7 and 14.3{mu}m. In an area of 0.59deg^2^. we have detected a total of 282 mid-IR sources with 103 sources observed in both filters. Combining the ISOCAM observations with the I, J, and K_s_ data obtained with DENIS, we have found 108 pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in the region, of which 34 were previously unidentified. Several of these newly discovered young stellar objects are relatively faint suggesting a population in Cha I of very low mass objects that probably includes brown dwarfs in their early contraction phases. Finally, most of the PMS stars show the spectral index computed between 2.2 and 14.3{mu}m typical of Class II sources. The luminosity function (LF) derived for our detected PMS stars is discussed.