We surveyed 81 dense molecular cores associated with regions of massive star formation and Sgr A in the J_(K_-1_K_1_)=5_(05)-4_(04)_ and 10_(010)-9_(09)_ lines of HNCO. Line emission was detected towards 57 objects. Selected subsamples were also observed in the 1_(01)-0_(00)_, 4_(04)-3_(03)_, 7_(07)-6_(06)_, 15_(015)-14_(014)_, 16_(016)-15_(015)_ and 21_(021)-20_(020)_ lines, covering a frequency range from 22 to 461 GHz. HNCO lines from the K_(-1)=2,3 ladders were detected in several sources. Towards Orion-KL, K_(-1)=5 transitions with upper state energies E_u/k~1100 and 1300K could be observed. The tables contain the source lists and the results of these SEST observations.