To investigate the distance and linear dimensions of the Draco Molecular Cloud (MBM 41) we have obtained new CCD photometry for a selection of stars in 20 selected areas toward the cores of the cloud. The selected areas were chosen to coincide with the brightest IRAS emitting portions of the cloud, and also with dense ^12^CO emission from the cloud. For each area we have obtained V and B photometry, and a subset of the fields has also been observed through a narrow-band H{alpha} filter and in the U band. We present V and B magnitudes for the 362 stars which have high-quality observations in both bands. The observations were made during the nights of June 29 and June 30, 1993 at the Palomar Observatory, using the 1.5-meter telescope and Palomar 6 Tektronix CCD camera with 24 micron pixels.