We present the fourth list with results of the Hamburg/SAO Survey for Emission-Line Galaxies (HSS hereafter, SAO -- Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia). The main goal of the project is the search for emission-line galaxies (ELG) in order to create a new deep sample of blue compact/HII galaxies (BCG) in a large sky area. Another important goal of this work is to search for new extremely low-metallicity galaxies. The main ELG candidate selection criteria applied are blue or flat enough continuum (near 4000{AA}) and the presence of strong or moderate emission lines close to 5000{AA} recognized on digitized prism spectra of galaxies with the survey estimated B-magnitudes in the range 16-19.5. No other criteria were applied. The list is a result of the follow-up spectroscopy conducted with the 6m SAO RAS telescope in 1998, 1999 and 2000. The data of this snap-shot spectroscopy survey confirmed 127 emission-line objects out of 176 observed candidates and allowed their quantitative spectral classification. We could classify 76 emission-line objects as BCG/HII galaxies or probable BCGs, 8 as QSOs, 2 as Seyfert galaxies, 2 as super-associations in a subluminous spiral and an irregular galaxy, and 37 as low-excitation objects - either starburst nuclei (SBN), or dwarf amorphous nuclei starburst galaxies (DANS). We could not classify 2 ELGs. Furthermore, for 5 galaxies we did not detect any significant emission lines. For 91 emission-line galaxies, the redshifts and/or line intensities are determined for the first time. Of the remaining 28 previously known ELGs we give either improved data on the line intensities or some independent measurements.