Tables 5, 7, and 8 contain the data of the CCD photometry of the three open star clusters. We added the numbering systems of previously published papers to the tables. Table 5 contains the data of NGC 4103 with stellar numbers from Wesselink (1969MNRAS.146..329W); Table 7 the data of NGC 5281 with the numbers of Moffat & Vogt (1973A&AS...10..135M); Table 8 the data of NGC 4755 with the numbering system according to Arp & van Sant (1958AJ.....63..341A). In Tables 12, 13, and 14 we present relative proper motions of the three clusters (in the same sequence). For NGC 4103 the table contains the information of an entire Carte du Ciel field of 2 degrees square, for the other two clusters, a small subfield had to be selected beforehand. The numbers of Arp & van Sant (1958AJ.....63..341A) are encrypted in the following way: Numbers <100 stand for the stars A to Q, the first digit of the numbers >100 represents the quadrant. The two final digits are the running numbers in the notation of Arp & van Sant (1958AJ.....63..341A).