We present the first high-resolution (6.2 to 7.7km/s FWHM) spectra of the APM BR J0307-4945 quasar at z_em_=4.73 obtained with UVES on the 8.2m VLT Kueyen telescope. We focus our analysis on a damped Lyman-{alpha} system at z_abs_=4.466, the most distant DLA system known to the present date, observed when the age of the universe was only 1.3Gyr. The following table lists the wavelengths and equivalent widths for all absorption-line features (except the telluric lines) redwards of the quasar Ly-{alpha} emission detected at 4{sigma} in equivalent width. The transition names and approximate redshifts are specified for the features we successfully identified. About 80% of the absorption lines redwards of the quasar Ly-{alpha} emission have been identified, corresponding to 13 metal-line systems.