This catalog contains 403 Faint High Latitude Carbon (FHLC) stars selected from the digitized objective prism plates of the Hamburg/ESO Survey (HES). Because of the ~15{AA} spectral resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio of the HES prism spectra, our automated procedure based on the detection of C_2_ and CN molecular bands permits high-confidence identification of carbon stars without the need for follow-up spectroscopy. 329 plates (87% of the survey) were examined, covering 6400deg^2^ to a magnitude limit of V~16.5. The catalog lists coordinates, photometry, and carbon band indices for 403 FHLC stars found in the Hamburg/ESO survey. B_J_ magnitudes are accurate to better than +/-0.2mag, including zero point errors. V magnitudes, B-V and U-B colors were derived by the procedure described in Christlieb et al. (2001A&A...366..898C). We also list an object classification for the sources, where "stars", "bright" and "ext" refer to point sources, sources above a saturation threshold, and sources detected as extended in DSS I images, respectively. We do not list V, B-V and U-B for saturated objects, because our color calibrations are not valid for them. Finally, we list two selection flags.