List of spectral lines in the wavelength range from 668{AA} to 1611{AA} identified in SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation, spectrograph on the spacecraft SOHO) spectra of the average quiet Sun (QS), a coronal hole (CH) and a sunspot on disk (SS). Spectral lines observed in second order of diffraction which are also given here, extend the lower wavelength limit to below 500{AA}. For each entry we give the observed wavelengths in angstrom, the identification, the transition, the peak of spectral radiance, L^peak^, in mW/(sr*m^2^*{AA}) (incl. background), and a cross-reference to other line lists available in the literature (cf., Sect. 5.1). For second-order lines radiance entries are generally not provided, since the background separation in both orders of diffraction is a non-trivial task, which can not be automated. Only a few radiance values of strong second-order lines with negligible first-order contribution are given, which are marked by an asterisk (*).