Table2 is based on an object list that was created by applying SExtractor software to an R-band image coadded from 36 frames with 15070s total exposure time taken in October 1999 using the Wide Field Imager at the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope on La Silla, Chile. The field measures 31.5'x30', is centered on 03:32:25-27:48:50 and contains the Chandra Deep Field South. The average PSF is on the order of 0.75". The catalog contains 63501 objects found by SExtractor with S/N>3. It has not been cleaned for spurious detection of false objects arising from scattered light or diffraction spikes of extremely bright stars. Using this object list aperture magnitudes 'Bmag', 'Vmag' and 'Rmag' were measured on B-, V- and R-band images taken in October 1999. These are listed with its errors. Additionally an aperture magnitude 'R2mag' with its error is included that is taken from R-band imaging from February 2000 with an exposure time of 8440s taken in 21 frames, yielding a total exposure time in the R-band of 23510s=6.5h. The 10-sigma magnitude limits for point sources are Bmag=24.9, Vmag=24.6, Rmag=25.1 and R2mag=24.8. The aperture magnitudes were calculated by counting the flux in an aperture with a Gaussian weighting function of 1.3" width. The flux is scaled to the total flux expected for stars.