File table2 contains the values of the color indices: (b-y), m1, c1, H{beta}, from the Stroemgren photometry and the observational errors on these indices as given by the Hauck and Mermiliod (1998, Cat. <II/215>). The values of Teff and logg are obtained from the Moon & Dworetsky (1985MNRAS.217..305M) calibration to which we have implemented the corrections by Castelli (1991A&A...251..106C). The errors on the parameters Teff and logg, as explained in section 3.3, are the consequence of the observational error on the photometric indices; SigmaTeff is the total error, on Teff, computed as explained in section 3.3. File table5 contains the values of the parallax, the error on the parallax, the Teff and the luminosity for the early-type star and late type star of each visual binary system. The errors on the Teff and on the luminosity are taken into account to compute for each of these parameters its minimum and maximum value. File table7 gives the values of the ages and masses computed for the early-type stars from the Schaller et al. (1993, Cat. <J/A+AS/96/269>) isochrones and Meynet at al. (1993A&AS...98..477M) models and from the Girardi et al. (2000, Cat. <J/A+AS/141/371>) models. The errors on the Teff and the luminosity are used to compute the minimum and the maximum values for the age and the mass. The last two columns concern only the primary stars with a Teff greater than 15000K for which we also compute the age and the mass using as Teff value: (Teff-500K); 500K corresponds to the systematic shift between Teff derived by using different photometric system (see Sect. 3.3). File table9 gives the values of the ages and masses computed for the late-type components from the isochrones and evolutionary tracks by D'Antona et al. (1998, web page, ) Palla and Stahler (1999ApJ...525..772P), Siess et al. (2000A&A...358..593S) and Tout et al. (1999MNRAS.310..360T). When possible, the minimum and the maximum values of these parameters are given by taking into account the errors on the Teff and on the luminosity.