This paper provides an analysis of astrometric measurements of the main Saturnian satellites made thanks to CCD observations performed in 1995 at the Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica at Itajuba in Brazil. The astrometric reduction is discussed, especially the small corrections done here, but most of time neglected elsewhere. A catalog of 6006 differential positions has been obtained. They have been compared to different ephemerides, the Vienne & Duriez ephemerides (TASS 1.7, 1995A&A...297..588V, 1997 Cat. <J/A+A/324/366>), the Harper & Taylor (1994A&A...284..619H) ephemerides and the Dourneau (1993A&A...267..292D) ephemerides. These observations provide a large set of modern observations, and appear to be of good precision. This accuracy is needed for future use of these data to improve the dynamical models. These positions are included in the data base NSDC dedicated to the natural satellites (