We present the results of a study of streaming motion of galaxy clusters around the Giant Void (RA~13h, DE~40{deg}, z~0.11 and a diameter of 150/hMpc) in the distribution of rich Abell clusters. We used the Kormendy relation as a distance indicator taking into account galaxy luminosities. Observations were carried out in Kron-Cousins R_c_ system on the 6m and 1m telescopes of SAO RAS. For 17 clusters in a spherical shell of 25/hMpc in thickness centered on the void no significant diverging motion (expected to be generated by the mass deficit in the void) has been detected. This implies that cosmological models with low {Omega}_m_ are preferred. To explain small mass underdensity inside the Giant Void, a mechanism of void formation with strong biasing is required.