199 frames of CCD images of the major satellites of Saturn (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion and Iapetus), obtained on 1-meter telescope at the Yunnan Observatory during the years of 1996-2000, are measured. These positions are compared to the ones computed with the Vienne & Duriez ephemerides (TASS1.7). The calibrated parameters of the CCD scale and orientation are determined by the comparison of their measurement coordinates with computed positions of four bright satellites of Tethy, Dione, Rhea and Titan. A catalog of 913 differential positions has been obtained. Analysis of the data as inter-satellite positions shows that these observations of the above mentioned four satellites have root-mean-square residuals of 0.04 arcsec in the sense of (O-C) (Observed minus Computed). The positional measuring procedure is proved to be good enough to obtain a small dispersion in the observations for the major Saturn satellites. The format of the present catalog are very near to the one of (Strugnell & Taylor, 1990A&AS...83..289S). The coordinates are corrected by all astrometric effects. So, these positions are really astrometric ones in that meaning that, no astrometric consideration is necessary to use them, even if one wants to touch up the calibration. Nevertheless, the raw pixels are also given in order to allow anyone to reduce again the frames.