In total, more than 550 objects within the fields of five open clusters (NGC 2439, NGC 3960, NGC 6134, NGC 6192 and NGC 6451) were investigated in order to find classical chemically peculiar stars. One bona-fide CP candidate was detected in each of the open clusters NGC 3960, NGC 6192 and NGC 6451. All three objects seem to be members of the corresponding cluster taking the results from our photometry as well as from the literature. For NGC 6192 and NGC 6451 we found widely different interstellar reddening values and therefore distances and ages in the literature. From an analysis of published Johnson UBVRI photometry, we were able to rule out a rather old age for NGC 6451. This is also supported by the finding of one peculiar object in this cluster with spectral type of about A2. Five variable objects within the field of NGC 6134 were detected. The variability exceeds 10 times (or typically 0.03 mag) the standard deviation of the weighted individual measurements. But since our observations were obtained mostly during one hour (typical integration times of five minutes per filter) on several nights within 45 days, no light curves could yet be derived. For this cluster some Am candidates were reported for which we were not able to detect a significant positive {Delta} a-value. For a description of the {Delta}a photometric system, see e.g. <GCPD/75>