There are 513 entries corresponding to 513 SEDs of 410 carbon stars and related objects, and 70 Ba II stars. Absolute magnitude bolometric (Col. 7) are given for 348 348 (C & rel.) + 65 (Ba II) entries. Together with the effective temperatures previously obtained (Col. 5), they were used to draw the local HR diagram and the luminosity function for galactic carbon giants and related objects in the Sun vicinity. Also given in column 6, the apparent bolometric magnitudes, and in column 8 as ``remarks'', the variation phase information whenever available, the detection of circumstellar extinction and/or emission, the presence of Tc; the J-type, CH stars, carbon-Cepheids etc., are also shown. Our photometric solutions (photometric type in Col. 3 and interstellar extinction at J in Col. 4: to be multiplied by 1.145 to obtain E(B-V)).