RAFGL7009S is a deeply embedded massive young stellar objet (YSO) showing strong ice and saturated silicate absorption features in the mid infrared. It is associated with the ultracompact H II region G25.65+1.05, which may be excited by a B1V star. We have obtained JHK images of a 1' field centred on this YSO. In K we detect a non-resolved object coinciding with the radio continuum emission peak. Considering the high extinction towards this source (A_V_>=100mag), the observed K emission is more than 7~mag in excess of that expected for a B1V star. We suggest that this emission is mainly due to scattering of the central zone emission, as recently found for a sample of embedded massive YSOs associated with 3.1{mu}m H_2_O ice absorption (Ishii et al., 2002AJ....124..430I). We estimate the YSO's age to be 2x10^4^ years. The outflow, the methanol maser emission and the strong ice absorption features suggest the presence of a dense medium very close to the star, possibly a disk. The observations were obtained with the Montreal Near-IR Camera (MONICA, Nadeau et al., 1994PASP..106..909N) mounted at the F/8 Cassegrain focus of the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on 1996 July 1 UT. Frames were obtained through the J, H and K broad-band filters with total integration times of 840s, 160s and 100s Details about the instrumentation, the calibration and the data analysis can be found in Deharveng et al. (1999, Cat. <J/A+A/344/943>).