We present the description and the first results of a new project devoted to the search for extremely metal-deficient blue compact/HII-galaxies (BCGs) and to the creation of a well selected large BCG sample with strong emission lines. Such galaxies should be suitable for reliable determination of their oxygen abundance through the measurement of the faint [OIII]4363{AA} line. The goals of the project are two-fold: a) to discover a significant number of new extremely metal-poor galaxies (Z<=1/20Z_{sun}_), and b) to study the metallicity distribution of local BCGs. Selection of candidates for follow-up slit spectroscopy is performed on the database of objective prism spectra of the Hamburg Quasar Survey. The sky region is limited by {delta}>=0{deg} and b^II^<=-30{deg}. In this paper we present the results of the follow-up spectroscopy conducted with the Russian 6m telescope. The list of observed candidates contained 52 objects, of which 46 were confirmed as strong-lined BCGs (EW([OIII]5007>=100{AA}). The remaining five lower excitation ELGs include three BCGs, and two galaxies classified as SBN (Starburst Nucleus) and DANS (Dwarf Amorphous Nucleus Starburst). One object is identified as a quasar with a strong Ly_alpha emission line near {lambda}=5000{AA} (z~3). We provide a list with coordinates, measured radial velocities, B-magnitudes, equivalent widths EW([OIII]5007) and EW(H{beta}) and for the 46 strong-lined BCGs the derived oxygen abundances 12+log(O/H). The abundances range between 7.42 and 8.4 (corresponding to metallicities between 1/30 and 1/3Z_{sun}_). The sample contains four galaxies with Z<=1/20Z_{sun}_, of which three are new discoveries. This demonstrates the high efficiency of the new project to find extremely metal-deficient galaxies. The radial velocities of the strong-lined ELGs range between 500 and 19000km/s with a median value of ~6400km/s. The typical B-magnitudes of the galaxies presented are 17.0mag-18.0mag.