We report preliminary results of our H-band survey of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). The observations were made using SofI on the NTT, and cover 0.027 square degrees with a 50% completeness limit of H=20.5, and 0.17 square degrees with a 50% completeness limit of H=19.8. We used SExtractor to extract sources from our fields. In total we have detected 4819 objects. Star-galaxy separation was performed using the SExtractor parameter "stellarity index". All objects with an index of 0.5 or lower were classified as galaxies. According to this criterion, 80% of our detections are galaxies. We then compare our results with previous observations of the CDFS. Our astrometric solutions are in good agreement with the Las Campanas Infrared Survey (LCIRS), the COMBO-17 and the ESO-EIS surveys. The photometry of our catalog compares satisfactorily with the results of the LCIRS, as well as with the GOODS data. Galaxy number counts are presented and compared with the LCIRS results. The present data are intended to complement the recent and future multi-wavelength observations of the CDFS and will be used, in conjunction with additional multiband photometry, to find counterparts of the upcoming mid-infrared surveys with SIRTF.