A library of 183588 synthetic spectra based on Kurucz's ATLAS9 models is presented for the far red spectral interval (7653-8747{AA}). It is characterized by 3500K<=T_eff_<=47500K, 0.0<=logg<=5.0, -3.0<=[M/H]<=+0.5, 0<=Vrot<=500km/s, {xi}=2km/s. The whole grid of spectra is calculated for resolving powers 8500, 11500 and 20000. A section of the grid is also computed for [{alpha}/Fe]=+0.4 and for microturbulent velocities 0 and 4km/s. The library covers the wavelength ranges and resolutions of the two ambitious spectroscopic surveys by the ground experiment RAVE and the space mission GAIA. Cross-sections across the multi-dimensional data-cube are used to illustrate the behaviour of the strongest spectral lines.