We present a catalogue and atlas of low-resolution spectra of a sample of 341 objects with reliable redshifts in the FORS Deep Field (FDF). The sample contains 42 stars, 8 QSOs, and 291 galaxies up to z=5.98 objects are at z>2. For z>1 most objects were selected using photometric redshifts. The limiting I magnitude has been I=24.5 for 2<z<4. All spectra were obtained using the FORS instruments at the ESO VLT and cover the wavelength range 3300-10000{AA}. The grism 150I with a 1" slit width was used, resulting in a spectral resolution element of our spectra of 18-24{AA}, depending on the light distribution in the slit. Most objects were observed several times. Typical exposure times were about 10h for our z>2 objects. The individual spectra were S/N-optimised co-added. The final spectra were flux calibrated, smoothed to the resolution element, and corrected for atmospheric extinction. Moreover, the spectra were corrected for the atmospheric A and B bands. Redshifts and rough object types were derived by cross-correlation of the galaxy spectra with six template spectra, which had been created from high-quality FDF spectroscopic data by an iterative procedure.