This paper is part of a series of publications which present a systematic study of Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) Galaxies in the near infrared (NIR). Compared to the visible light, NIR data allow a better separation of the starburst emission from the light distribution of the old stellar low-surface brightness (LSB) host galaxy. We analyze deep NIR broad band images of a sample of 11 BCDs, observed with the Calar Alto 3.6m telescope. This work enlarges the samples presented in preceding papers of this study (Noeske et al., 2003A&A...410..481N, Cairos et al., 2003ApJ...593..312C) by BCDs of the most common morphological type, displaying a regular elliptical LSB host galaxy. The data presented here allow the detection and quantitative study of the extended stellar LSB host galaxy in all sample BCDs.