We present the Johnson-Cousins B,V and I time series data obtained for 162 variable stars (135 RR Lyrae, 4 candidate Anomalous Cepheids, 11 Classical Cepheids, 11 eclipsing binaries and 1 delta Scuti star) in two 13x13 square arcmin areas close to the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The photometric observations presented in this paper were carried out at the 1.54m Danish telescope located in La Silla, Chile, on the nights 4-7 January 1999, UT, and 23-24 January 2001, UT, respectively. In the paper we give coordinates, finding charts, periods, epochs, amplitudes, and mean quantities (intensity- and magnitude-averaged luminosities) of the variables with full coverage of the light variations, along with a discussion of the pulsation properties of the RR Lyrae stars in the sample.